Since his retirement, Major General Jim H. Keffer has started his own small business consultancy. He brings his tremendous leadership, small business experience and desire to help veterans to Veteran Program. General Keffer retired in November 2015 as the Chief of Staff, U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) where he served as the command’s principal staff officer, assistant, and adviser to the Commander. As the Chief of Staff, he directed and coordinated the staff directorates, comprising over 900 personnel, with the mission of directing the operations and defense of specified DoD networks and, when directed, conducting full spectrum military cyberspace operations to ensure U.S./allied freedom of action in cyberspace while denying the same to our adversaries.
General Keffer has served as the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Reconnaissance and Surveillance at Headquarters U.S. Air Force; Deputy Director for Intelligence, Multi-National Forces Iraq in Baghdad; Senior Military Assistant for the DoD Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence; and Air Attaché to Austria, Slovakia and Slovenia.
His career spans widely across signals, imagery and human intelligence operations and analysis at the tactical, operational and strategic levels. He also served as the Commander, Air Force Intelligence Analysis Agency. General Keffer has commanded at the squadron, group, wing and agency levels with the largest unit being a 7000-person worldwide intelligence and cyberspace wing where he was recognized as an “Honorary Chief Master Sergeant.” He served as the Deputy Chief of the Central Security Service (aka the “military part” of the National Security Agency) overseeing 15,000 joint military members conducting global cryptologic and cyberspace operations and reporting directly to the Director of the National Security Agency.