BAS Consulting

Orange County, CA

Donald Stukes launched his second business, BAS Consulting, in 2009, offering management, scientific, and technical consulting. Currently, some of his clients include CalTrans of Southern California, the Department of Energy, and Battelle. BAS Consulting works with other consultants, bringing as many as six onto one project last year. Helping to connect other entrepreneurs with opportunities is a big part of his business model.

Donald, a US Service Disabled Veteran, joined the Navy right out of high school and served in the Navy’s Nuclear Weapons Program. His military service has directly supported both of his businesses by giving him access to clients who are looking for consultants with military expertise. Beyond his business, Donald attributes some of the skills he learned in the military to his personal success. “I enrolled in college full-time immediately after completing my service. At the same time, I worked two jobs. The self-discipline and the importance of completing tasks that I learned in the Navy helped me accelerate my successes.”

BAS Consulting is OBDC’s first loan outside of Northern California. Donald says, “The process was new for both BAS Consulting and OBDC, but overall there is a great deal of satisfaction.” Donald recommends other entrepreneurs consider nonprofit lenders: “If you’re looking for opportunities for a partnership to grow with you and not just be a transaction, a nonprofit lender like OBDC is the way to go. You’ll find people there willing to listen to you and collaborate for your business’ success.”

In addition to their consulting work, BAS Consulting believes in community engagement and in supporting veterans in a program called Orange County California Veterans. Through BAS Consulting’s board’s strong and diverse networks, they focus on connecting professional and executive level veterans with career opportunities. “We can address chronic unemployment before it starts by supporting veterans to find work,” says Donald.

BAS Consulting is located in Orange County, California. For more information on their products and services, please visit their website: