Deciding to borrow money

  Paula Groves is Main Street Launch’s Senior Vice President – Business Consulting. She offers tips and advice to entrepreneurs to help them start and grow their small businesses. This tip is about how to decide when a business loan is right for you.   To borrow or not to borrow, that is the question.…


Small Business Week Takeaways 2017

Main Street Launch was proud to participate in a variety of Small Business Week events in Oakland, Sacramento, and San Francisco this year.   Five of our clients were honored at Small Business Week events: The City of Oakland honored two of our clients as Legacy Businesses: Gill’s Electric Company and Everett and Jones Barbeque.…


Celebrating Memorial Day

At Main Street Launch and Veteran Launch, we are honored to work in support of veteran-owned and military family-owned small businesses across California. As we reflect on the purpose of Memorial Day, we want to share some of the amazing impacts that veterans make in our communities.   Veterans are 45% more likely to be…


Small-Business Grants: Where to Find Free Money

This article is written by Jackie Zimmermann and originally appeared on NerdWallet and is shared with with permission. They say there’s no such thing as a free ride. In the world of small-business grants, you’ll pay your dues by searching websites, clicking out-of-date links, or struggling with government databases before finding a grant that suits your business goals.…


Meet Our Clients: Triptych Strength

Tarquin Thornton-Close began his career as a strength coach and personal trainer in 2008. “When I got into fitness almost a decade ago, I wanted to share it with others. I wanted to open my own studio to do personal training the way I thought was best and to offer the best level of service…
