Kettle and Fire is a health food company. They offer the first shelf-stable bone broth in the United States, and they have a ton of happy customers. “We want to bring bone broth back to the American diet,” explains owner Justin Mares.


Before Justin had the idea for Kettle and Fire, he knew he wanted to be an entrepreneur. “I had a lot of different jobs, and I realized I didn’t enjoy working for other people. I wanted to do my own thing,” he explains.


Kettle and Fire launched in August 2015, and they now have nine employees. After starting Kettle and Fire, Justin came to Main Street Launch to help complete their second production run. “We sold six-figures in our first 40 days, and we needed money to buy more inventory,” remembers Justin. “Without the loan we would have had to raise the money and give up more equity in the company. We own 20% more of Kettle and Fire because of the loan from Main Street Launch.”


Justin was referred to Main Street Launch by purewod, another Main Street client. “The experience was great. I knew what to expect because I knew another borrower.”


Justin offers advice to aspiring business owners: “Plan your systems to scale. Setting up bookkeeping early will help you grow. We spent a lot of time fixing systems because of how quickly we were growing.”


Check out Kettle and Fire’s products, learn more about their benefits, and try them out for yourself. You can find Kettle and Fire in every Whole Foods in the country!