Why you should close your books each month

We just closed our organizational fiscal year on June 30, so it seemed like a good time to reflect on the value of closing and reconciling your books for your small business.   A monthly close makes great sense for small businesses. If you’re using an accounting software (we hope you are!), daily entries are…


Veteran Launch Summer 2017 Newsletter

In this newsletter Veteran Launch update Credit Tip Advising Corner: Deciding to Borrow Money Meet our Clients: Millennium Family Entertainment Center Welcome to our newest clients Veteran Launch Summer Update As our fiscal year comes to a close, we’re thrilled to share that we’ve funded 51 loans to veteran-owned companies, totaling $6.2 million. Our work…


Main Street Launch Summer Newsletter

In this newsletter: Letter from Our CEO Credit Tip Advising Corner: Deciding to Borrow Money Celebrating Small Business Weeks 2017 Meet Our Clients: Millennium Family Entertainment Center Get To Know Our Staff: Adrian Gomez Zavala Alameda County SBDC: Award Winners Main Street Launches Mobile Office Opportunity for your Business: ICIC Upcoming Events for Your Small…


Meet Our Clients: The Waffle Experience

The Waffle Experience offers a large menu for breakfast and lunch, all centered around waffles. If you’ve never tried a burger on a waffle or a salad with a waffle base, these guys have you covered. It is hard to tell what is more unique about The Waffle Experience restaurant: their breakfast and lunch creations…


5 Things to Do When Starting an Online Store

This article is written by Jackie Zimmermann and originally appeared on NerdWallet and is shared with with permission. Starting an online business might seem like a quick and easy way to make a few bucks, but there’s more to it than plugging photos into a designer web template. The National Retail Federation expects online retail sales to…
