Resource for your business: ICIC

Inner City Capital Connections program is offering Main Street Launch clients an opportunity to apply for their program that is designed to help small businesses in economically-distressed areas build capacity for sustainable growth in revenue, profitability, and employment.   Their 40-hour curriculum combines targeted executive education sessions, including best practices in strategy, sales, marketing,…


Meet Our Clients: Picnic on Third

Natalia Bushyager and Leigh Loper found that when your career is in cooking, it’s tough to find work where you can create and control your own hours. Searching for a way to spend more time with their partner and to be inspired by food, together they created Picnic on Third with a clear vision for…


Meet Our Clients: New Parkway

J Moses was one of many customers of the old Parkway Theater on East Lake and found himself lacking suitable alternatives when the theater closed in 2009. His vision led him to conceive the New Parkway, a modern, even more community-oriented reincarnation of the old Parkway.   Four years since its inception, the New Parkway…


Meet Our Clients: Tytanium Ideas

Tyler Campbell, Air Force veteran, wanted to start his own marketing firm to be able to make decisions on his own terms. “I wanted to benefit from my own hard work and provide jobs for others,” Tyler explains. In 2010 he launched Tytanium Ideas, a full-service digital marketing firm devoted to client service and educating…


Get to Know Adrian Gomez Zavala

Katie Taylor, Main Street’s Assistant Vice President – Communications, interviews Adrian Gomez Zavala. Adrian worked as a banker and licensed financial specialist at a community business bank before coming to Main Street Launch. He brings a deep knowledge of business and the resources available to support Bay Area entrepreneurs. Click here to read more about…
